Saturday, September 13, 2008


So I already blew my goal of trying to get updated with everyones blogs, I still have not added the new people who have joined since I went MIA. My girlfriend has been staying with us for most of the week, as her place is being renovated, so needless to say its been a busy week, and I am just exhausted.

I did however brave the challenge of bringing my "real camera" to me crazy trying to juggle 5 dogs and a big camera, and a backpack full of dog gear, and a poop bag in hand...yep CRAZY! So of course I will post some pup pictures...which is about 90% of the pictures I post hahaaa...occupational hazard? no life but dogs? animal lover hobby? Who knows but I do love to snap up my animals, or any cuties I run into, so if you get sick of fur creatures, then just skip over, because my life is animals, sleeping, or ahhhh baby stuff, yep I almost 17 weeks already and have no clue about being a mom, or what is the best crib, stroller, diapers whatever for the little one...but I won't bore you with that, I will leave baby talk for my other blog hahaa, this is clearly my animal blog! Ha!

These 4 dogs all live in the same house, there is a 5th one(another cocker), who has a foot sore so he is not walking with us for a few days...they are a newer group and quite the handful but cute so when they are driving me CRAZY, they give you that look and you forgive them hehee.

Mogito - a rescued mexican stray

Buddha - Mo's brother (these two are living with "gramma" for over a year, as her son and his wife, are in the states for a school program or something along those lines) He is a bull in a china shop!
Sweet Sweet Little Lily - another rescue, a face only a mother/or me could love her tongue hangs out and she has the droopiest eyes, but I now have a love for cockers hehee
Emma - Lily's "sister" a stick obsessed chocolate lab (aren't they all? hehee)
And Lily taking a break getting ready to roll around for some great back scratches on the pebbles!


Sondra said...

I want a chocolate lab! That is one cute picture.

Jenn M said...

AWEE! adorable!! The chocolate lab reminds me of my nephews' dog