Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Coast to Coast

I usually only get around to one posting a week, but I figured I would give the heads up...I am leaving for New Brunswick in a few hours. May 16th is my grandparents 50th anniversary and my Aunt who lives in Alberta has planned a little party thing, I have not seen my Aunt or her children (who now have their own children) in about 12 years!!!

I have not seen my grandparents (either side) for almost 3 years, and my mama's mom alzheimers is getting very bad, none of my relatives have even met James hahaa (well one aunt and uncle) so this should be a veryyyyyy interesting trip.

Unfortunately we are only going for 4 whole days, since today does NOT count I do not land in Moncton till 11 grrrrr, I hate losing a whole day to plane travel. I am flying with Emi, so the flight could be intersting as well hahaa! Send us some good weather vibes, and hopefully I get a few good pictures to post when I get back on Monday!!!!



Alycia Hildebrand said...

Hope you have a great trip! Can't wait to see your pics!!

Jenn M said...

Fingers crossed for a safe trip! I can't wait to hear how it goes and see some pics!! Flying back home takes me almost a whole day too, it definitely sucks!!

Sondra said...

You're coming so close to me! I hope the trip went well, hope Emi wasn't a handful on the plane!

Theresa T said...

Hope your trip was great. Waiting to see pics nad hearing any funny stories.