Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Japanese Feist

On friday night James, Dianna, Tayo and I went out for some japanese fast food...ramen and gyoza. I am not a die hard fan of ramen, however the last place we went to was REALLY good, but maybe that was early pregnancy and salt addiction speaking. This place we went to today James and I have been to in the past (I only ordered gyoza and rice then) its suppose to be the best in Vancouver, and always has a line up no matter what time of day...however I personally preferred the last place :)

I just wanted to post this since I noticed James' original chopsticks(one broke in a weird spot) THEY ARE CROSSED...he always nags on me when I accidentally do this! Muahhahaa
So after we finish, we are standing outside the restaurant and I notice at the "pub" beside the special of that night FRIDAY...hello I will be back in March!
A late night stop for some gelato, I ordered pineapple and raspberry sorbet.


Jenn M said...

LOL!! I almost died when I saw the pic of James and the noodles!!! Priceless!!

Theresa T said...

The expression on James' face is something that only guys can carry off when they are around food.