...put on a happy face.
It looks like nighttime in the this pictre, but I swear I took it this afternoon. GRRRR to yucky wet weather, but I was determined to get a good shot, and I HAVE NEVER noticed these berries in my backyard :S oooopsy...but I was out taking Emi for a bathroom break, and thought...Photo OP-snap!
I missed yesterday so I already broke my new years resolution I proclaimed on the 4th hahaa. So lets try again, I would rather not give up cause it's fun to look at everyones pictures, and I need to find other stuff to take pictures of, or at least post pics (even if they are old, I am determined to post dammit)
EYES...EYES...EYES....damn Sondra why do you have to make it so hard heheee! JK, I love the creativeness, I just need to find some inspiration now!