Thursday, April 10, 2008

Mount Doug

These pictures are from 2 weekends ago when we went to Victoria, I know tsk tsk, suppose to be from today, but seriously my life is pretty boring, and also busy. We dog and house sat last weekend, I think I got some great shots, but can't find my darn camera cord, it may be in Victoria (AAAHHHH) we are pug sitting Cotton again, and then dog and house sitting again next week, and we might even be crazy enough to attempt to go to Whistlers Dog Fest with FOUR DOGS, count that...1, 2, 3, 4 yes 4 is the number of insanity!

We have been apartment hunting all month as well, and having no luck, I am beginning to really HATE HATE HATE this city, and I am normally a pretty happy person hehee. The renters market is so tight in Vancouver right now, I am guessing its due to the soon to be here Olympics, all the students that normally move out and go home for the summer, are not moving but subletting for 4 months fully furnished, and what the heck good is that to me, so that is seriously all thats on the market, or perfect places with a very strict NO PETS POLICY, and as you all know we have 3 furbabies. I do love our apartment now and the area, but its a bit small and we really need to be closer to work, mostly for James. But it would be nice for me as well since most of my day is spent driving from clients homes and around the city, at the end of the day hopping into my car and dealing with traffic for 20 minutes is tiring...and yes I realize thats nothing compared to the 90 minute commuters, but its my blog and I am allowed to whine!

Last night was James' birthday, we really did not do much and I have no pictures :( but we will be celebrating with my girlfriend from Squamish and her boyfriend when he flies into Van next week Yayyy.

Anyhoo I will zip the lip and show you some fun pictures from our climb up Mount Doug, its hardly a mountain, it took maybe 20-30 minutes, we were on some very "off-beaten" trail and had to do a bit of rock climbing hahaa that was interesting, especially for Emi, she LOVED the hike... probably because little treats in the form of rabbit poo were everywhere for her to munch on puppy kisses from her for awhile...okay seriously zipping them now.

Emi - Little Mountain Dog I love her stance!

I like the stormy sky in this shot!
Got to love the timers, especially watching Jim jump off a rock and race over to us, without falling down the hill hahaa
Rock Face!
Another portrait of Emi, can you tell I am in love with her :D, she's 5 months old and I think hit a growing stump lol
Arbutus least I think
Downtown Storm heading our way
These are from Queen Elizabeth park near our place, we were walking Emi and came around a "bushle" of trees to find the entire area swarmed with ducks and geese, I am pretty afraid of birds, especially bigger ones like swans, geese, and turkeys (attacked as a child!) Emi was there to protect, on a very tight leash, she loves to chase birds, and could probably catch one and would fight it till death I'm sure!
I had to take this picture, it was as close as I would get to try and justify how many freaking birds their were! My hands were shaking ha...I'm such a dork!


vivi's mom said...

I love self timers too! Emi is too cute, I love seeing all her pictures!

katei371 said...

Great shots, I really like the tree picture, very original. Also, Emi looks like the proudest little dog, standing so tall!

Theresa T said...

Even though you know my opinion about dogs, I must say that there is something about Emi in the second photo that is great. Perhaps the reagalness of it?

Since I missed you when I took my guys from work to Vancouver and drove close to your house, I can now say the same to you (hee hee). We live on Mt. Tolmie so you were pretty close to us-although in Victoria what isn't??

Sondra said...

The 1st 2 shots of Emi are gooorgeous.

Lorelei said...

I love the first shot of Emi and the third to last shot... Great stuff!

Candice said...

Emi is so beautiful :) Helix really wants to catch a goose too... Great pictures!

Anonymous said...

Well written article.